Multi-accounting on Twitter with Dolphin Anty

How to Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts Safely and Easily 

Blog » How to Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts Safely and Easily 

💻 Twitter (now known as is a well-known platform for tracking news, communicating with opinion leaders and interacting with clients. It is also often used to study public opinion in certain groups in order to influence it. Facebook, Google, TikTok regularly tighten advertising rules, so the X.Ads advertising platform is increasingly attracting attention as an alternative source of traffic.

But often one account may not be enough. Therefore, depending on the scale of the tasks, you may have to use a second twitter account, third or even more.

🤔 Why Do You Need More than One Twitter Account?

☝️ The reasons for multiaccounting on X may vary, but in most cases they include:

  • Customer support. Companies create multiple Twitter accounts to provide support in different regions or for different products and services. This allows them to handle customer inquiries and complaints efficiently;
  • Reputation management. Some companies and celebrities use multiple Twitter accounts to manage their reputation and monitor mentions about them on social media. These accounts can respond to negative reviews and comments in order to maintain a positive image.
  • Bots. Organizations, political parties, and marketers sometimes use fake accounts to automatically tweet, retweet and like their messages to increase reach and influence. They use multiple Twitter accounts to simulate mass support or vice versa.
  • Journalistic Research. Journalists and researchers use multiple Twitter accounts to take part in various discussions and obtain first-hand information while remaining anonymous.
  • Promotions and contests. Companies create additional Twitter accounts to conduct various promotions and contests. It helps to avoid confusion and clearly separate advertising campaigns from the main activities.
  • Market Research. Large companies and marketing agencies manage multiple Twitter X accounts to conduct surveys and research for better understanding of the needs and preferences of their customers. 
  • Test accounts. Companies use multiple Twitter accounts to test content, including ads and posts, to see how different audience segments perceive them.
  • Advertising Scaling. Managing several Twitter accounts allows you to use several advertising accounts. And this gives an opportunity to diversify advertising by topic, increase traffic volumes — as if one advertising account gives little traffic or poor conversion, you can use another. As a result, the set of advertising accounts is a sort of insurance against bans.
  • Cryptocurrency farms. Twitter X accounts are used to participate in crypto projects: airdrops, contests, NFT trading, and sometimes registration in cryptocurrency-related projects.
  • Spam and Phishing. Attackers use multiple Twitter accounts for sending spam, phishing, and other fraudulent activities.

❗ How many Twitter accounts can I have on one device?

Twitter has no official limits on the number of accounts you can manage on a single device. However, there are a few things you should know about managing multiple Twitter X accounts.

📌 Platform Policy. Twitter allows multi-accounting as long as they are not used for abuse, spam or other violations of the platform’s policies. So if one account is found to be in violation, the activity on others may be restricted as well.

📌 Efficiency. Managing a large number of accounts can be complex and time-consuming. To switch Twitter accounts, many users use either the button at the bottom or a social media management tool like Hootsuite or TweetDeck. Unfortunately, neither of them allows you to do anything on two, three, or more accounts at once.

📌 Authentication. Twitter uses phone numbers and email addresses to verify accounts. You can create only one Twitter account for one phone number or email address. By the way, for multi-accounting in, users create many Gmail boxes and Google accounts.

📌 API Limitations. Developers, using the Twitter API, are facing limits on the number of requests that can be sent from a single account or IP address.

💯 Anti-detection Browser is the Best Solution for Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts

🔥 You can simply add Twitter accounts, or you can open each of them in separate browsers. In the second case, when anti-detect browsers are used, both Twitter and other sites will see that all accounts are used by different people from different devices.

And this is a more preferable option. First of all, the second Twitter account will not be banned or restricted if the first one is blocked. Secondly, each browser can be configured for a separate GEO even with the simulation of different devices for each account.

🔗 Multi-account browsers or anti-detects allow you to manage each Twitter account in a separate virtual space. Simple adding of a proxy for each account helps to assign it to a new country. Thanks to this, you can set up several Twitter accounts so that both the social media itself and third-party tracking systems do not see that they are utilized by one and the same person.

👨‍💻 For example, the following screenshot shows that half of the Twitter accounts are linked to Turkish proxies and the other half to Belarusian ones.

All Profiles Dolphin Anty

A multi-accounting browser creates digital profiles. Each of them looks like a separate unique user. The screenshot above shows the list of these digital profiles. 

Each profile can be customized the way you need. You can:

  • Select the operating system that the profile will imitate;
  • Add a proxy;
  • Add bookmarks, start pages and extensions that are necessary to work with Twitter.

New Profile Dolphin Anty

✅ The best part is that all profiles can be opened and used on Twitter at the same time. So, the questions “How many Twitter accounts can you have?”  or “Can you have multiple Twitter accounts” are no longer relevant — as many as you need. 

Social media algorithms are paying much attention ☝️ when users log into their accounts from new devices, geos, browsers and may impose restrictions. Multi-accounting browser allows you to simulate the parameters and location of the previous device. Cookie import functions are especially helpful in this situation. Therefore, if you bought a Twitter account or if it was given to you because the previous owner no longer needed it, an anti-detect browser will allow you to log in without any consequences from the side of the social network. In addition, digital fingerprints of anti-detect browsers are seen by anti-fraud systems as trustworthy, which minimizes the risk of restrictions and bans for each account.

Cookie Import Dolphin Anty

It means that a browser with multi-accounting not only creates an isolated space for each account, but also fills this digital profile with everything you need for comfortable work.

🚀 Why is Dolphin Anty the Best Anti-detect Browser for Twitter?

🔥 Dolphin Anty not only allows you to customize browser profiles, but also provides other useful options to work and set up multiple Twitter accounts. The most important of them include:

📌 Automation scenarios. You can automate filling out a profile, posting, liking and other necessary actions. The most important thing is that they allow you to perform an automated action simultaneously on any number of profiles;

📌 Synchronizer. This function allows you to repeat the actions that you manually perform in one account in all the others.

📌 Teamwork. Browsers with accounts can be transferred to other users. The system provides roles with different levels of access to profiles.

In addition, Dolphin Anty gives an opportunity to manage many Twitter accounts with the help of tags, statuses, notes and folders. Thanks to them, it is easy to navigate through the profiles, as well as distribute them depending on GEO, account purpose and other characteristics. 

☝️ The most important thing: browser fingerprints created in Dolphin Anty inspire maximum trust in anti-fraud systems, which reduces the risk of possible blocking and restrictions to zero.

Pixelscan Dolphin Anty

🔥 Dolphin Anty can be called a free anti-detect browser if you use up to 10 profiles. This will be enough at the initial stage of working with Twitter X accounts. In any case, to evaluate its advantages, you can download, install and try its free version.