Multi-accounting on Amazon with Dolphin Anty

How to Manage Multiple Amazon Seller Accounts?

Blog » How to Manage Multiple Amazon Seller Accounts?

Multiaccounting is essential in many areas with e-commerce being one of them. The number of online marketplaces and other online trading platforms has increased in recent years. COVID-19 gave this trend a huge bump and online businesses have been growing since. There are many regional and even local marketplaces, but the headliner in this niche is Amazon 🌏

Amazon Dolphin Anty

Here are some facts to prove it. According to the statistical service Statista, the platform’s net revenue in sales reached $575 billion 💰 in 2023 and the sales are still increasing. It makes the brand one of the most expensive in the world. The number of sellers who work here is nearly 10 million worldwide and the number of buyers is even bigger. It is hard to survive in such competition as the volumes of traffic generated are just impossible to imagine. But multiaccounting is a key to visibility 🤓 on Amazon. We are here to explain how to run multiple Amazon seller accounts and what you need to avoid bans for managing them.

Why Would You Need Having Multiple Accounts on Amazon? 🤔

Making profit has always been the main reason for trade. But a large number of sellers makes it much more difficult to persuade customers to choose you and your goods or services and not those that other sellers offer. To make the situation better, you may create multiple accounts on the platform.

But before we move to multiaccounting, there is one thing you should know about Amazon.

There are two types of sellers here ⬇️

  1. Individual who pay the platform about $1 for each item sold;
  2. Professional that are registered as companies and pay $39.99 per month.

☑️ To start trading each group of sellers should create an account on Amazon. The registration process and necessary data for it slightly differ depending on what you sell and how you sell. But doing all the business on one account has some drawbacks. For example, the working process stops if your only account is banned. One account is also practically invisible if you don’t pay for its promotion. As a result, sellers create multiple account on Amazon and here are the main reasons why:

  • Visibility. One account can easily be lost among millions of others especially if the product’s price is average which makes filtering by cost not effective. Having multiple accounts solves this problem as the share of pages with your goods increases and it is easier to spot them in the feed.
  • Profit. As we have already stated, profit is the main reason why people sell something on the market. If you have multiple accounts, you can add the same goods into them. And if you sell it for a different price, buyers will choose the one that is cheaper or the one that is more expensive but with a faster delivery. In any case, chances to sell something increase.
  • Testing. Having multiple accounts gives you an opportunity to test different strategies safely. If one of the approaches is not as successful as expected, you just eliminate it and if something works well, all you have to do is just to scale it up to other accounts.
  • Reputation and reviews. In this case multiple accounts give you a chance to make mistakes without consequences. For example, the buyer doesn’t like what you sold, leaves a negative comment and 1-star rating. You can delete this account if other users also don’t like your goods or use your other accounts to leave positive comments and retain high ratings.

We see that multiaccounting sounds too good to be true. And we come to a question: are there any problems with it? Yes, there are. But the good news is that all of them are solvable.

Is Running Multiple Amazon Accounts Legal? ⚖️

In its rules about “Seller Policy and Seller Code of Conduct” Amazon states clearly that one user can have multiple online accounts, but only for legitimate reasons. For example, if there are several goods that have nothing in common and they have to be sold separately. Or if the seller owns several companies and they are registered as different corporate entities. But the definition of “legitimate reasons” is rather vague and no one knows exactly how they can be interpreted by Amazon. What makes the situation worse is the fact that there is no definition or list of forbidden things.

Amazon on multiaccaunting Dolphin Anty

❌ Even if you do nothing wrong, unethical and all your activities are in line with Amazon rules there is still a risk that something goes wrong and both your main account and the ones related to it are banned. Actually, this is the main reason why all your accounts should be as separate from each other as possible.

How Does Amazon Detect Multiple Accounts? ☝️

💻 Besides being the largest and most successful e-commerce company globally, Amazon is also an IT-giant having expertise in such fields as cloud computing, digital advertising, online streaming and artificial intelligence. That’s why it has one of the best antifraud systems and trackers on the market. They detect users who abuse the platform rules, ban their accounts and start paying much more attention to other accounts related to that one user if there are any.

👉 This is possible because of a digital fingerprint each user leaves online. It contains a set of parameters like a device, browser, its version and language, location, IP-address, Internet provider and other things. If analyzed separately, they are not unique for users at all as opposed to their combinations. That’s how companies like Amazon, Meta, Google and others recognize users.

👨‍💻 Each company collects personal user data. The main reason for it is that targeted advertising is one of the main sources of their income. And if users are not unique or cannot be recognized, advertising campaigns become ineffective. As a result, profits are lost. Who would like that? Nobody, of course. Still, there is a solution — an anti-detect browser for multi-account management.

How Multi-accounting Browsers Help to Create and Run Multiple Seller Accounts? 📌

✔️ Being anonymous on the Internet and running multiple Amazon accounts is not a difficult task. All you need to do is to spoof your real browser fingerprint from those who long for it most. You can use different solutions like change of an IP-address, proxy, VPN and so on. But it is not always convenient as sometimes you don’t need to hide from trackers. And switching on and off all these tools manually can take some time which is inefficient.

🔥 A good multi-accounting browser lacks these drawbacks as all of the above mentioned solutions are implemented in one interface. What is an anti-detect browser exactly? Let’s have a closer look at how everything works in Dolphin Anty — one of the best solutions for e-commerce and affiliate marketing on the market.

🗳️ Being one of the best antidetect browsers, Dolphin Anty perfectly suits all the needs of multiaccounting, helps to safely run multiple Amazon accounts and don’t think about browser fingerprinting. And there are several reasons for that.

Browser Profiles and Proxies 🔗

You can create and open multiple Amazon seller accounts with a unique digital fingerprint in one click in this antidetect browser. If you do it manually, you have to push “+” in the upper right corner of the interface. Here you will see all the parameters that can be spoofed or randomized.

Profiles on Dolphin Anty

If you have multiple accounts for Amazon from an online shop, you can also add all of them via the button “Mass import”.

🌍 Proxies can be configured in anti-detect browsers too. You just add them in the menu. But if you need to add the same proxy to several accounts, you have to visit the tab related to them. Here you will see a user-friendly interface and all the necessary hints concerning possible proxy formats. One more good thing — you can add proxies in bulk.

Proxies on Dolphin Anty

Such a complex approach to profile creation helps to make them really separate from each other. As a result, all antifraud systems and trackers are bypassed easily and ban of one account does not lead to ban of all the others. That’s why running multiple seller accounts is as smooth as possible.

Automation Tools 🔄

Dolphin Anty would not be the market leader without a full set of automation tools. Users will find here:

  • Cookie-robot — it visits different webpages and collects cookies to make browser profiles look as human-like as possible;
  • Scenarios – a separate tab where you can create your own scripts (no programming skills are required) on the basis of what you expect users to do on Amazon;
  • Synchronizer — a tool that helps you automate actions that usually cannot be automated like doing one and the same thing in several browser profiles.


If you want to have multiple Amazon accounts, Dolphin Anty 🔥 has several subscription plans so that everyone could choose the one that suits the needs in the best way possible both for personal use and team work. And there is one more advantage of this browser — a completely free plan 🆓 where you can create up to ten profiles to test its basic functions. It is not limited in time and you don’t have to add your credit card to get access to it. You will hardly find such an approach to users in any other antidetect browser on the market and this makes Dolphin Anty 🚀 really the best antidetect browser for multi-accounting.